Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Hunt -- Day 5: Conclusion and Epilogue

After taking the 9-point at GP-120, I decided to spend the remaining day back in my own stand where I had seen very little the first 3 days. It turns out, the last day was NOT a charm. I didn't see a single deer the entire final day.

But that was ok, I had enjoyed the heck out of myself and managed to take a decent buck too. As I packed up my car and thought about how cool it had been to hunt at the camp, I knew I'd be back the following year, and this time I'd be eligible for a second stand.

A few things I learned that I'll employ in the future.

1. I need an ATV. Getting around on my B-I-L's ATV saved me the past 2 days. By the end of the trip, the 3/8 mile walk to my stand was proving to be too much for my old, out-of-shape legs. We need another ATV and I plan to acquire one before next season. I like this one:

2. I need a variety of stand options. My stand had been hot with deer just before my arrival. Then the winds came and the deer disappeared. I need an alternate location that is in heavier cover so that I'm not shutout by conditions. Update -- since my return, I've cut a deal with my B-I-L to acquire GP-120 for next year. I'll pay him for the stand, and he'll build a new one in a new location for his third. I was pretty excited about that!

3. I need to take my wife Cyn with me if I can get a cabin nearby. No, she's not a hunter, but there are plenty of other things she can do (like hang out in the Spa in Hot Springs!). The 2 day drive would be a lot better with her company and the family would get to see her too.

4. My 3-9 x 30mm VX-R scope was adequate for my 300 yard maximum range shooting lanes, but barely. If I see one at 300 yards, he's going to have to be a very good deer, standing broadside and still, before I'm going to feel comfortable taking the shot without a higher power optic.

5. My rifle was a good choice. Lightweight and powerful, I had no regrets after hunting with it for 5 days and placing a terrific 200 yard+ shot.

6. I had a bunch of junk I probably didn't need, like a grunt call I barely used and 48 bottles of water. It's been 3 weeks and I'm still drinking that bottled water.

Well, hope you found that recollection to be interesting reading. Back soon with the non gun/hunting entry I promised several weeks ago. Here's a hint -- it involves buckeyes, not bucks.

1 comment:

  1. I have found this ENTIRE blog very interesting. Can't wait to see you next fall Uncle Arn!
